Why african men are so obsessed of beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
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its a male fixation because it is something they dont have themselves and rarely get hte opportunity to play with. Plus society has put such a big emphasis on beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls
being sexual objects that no straight male could possibly resist the tempation now. its social conditioning effectively. Notice how this only happens in westernised countries? because the media has advertised beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls
as the sexual point of a woman's body (aside from her vagina). Take a look at different tribes all around the world, especially in South America and Africa. beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls walk around wearing no top and do you see them men going awol? no, its because their society has a different view of beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
's boobs.
being sexual objects that no straight male could possibly resist the tempation now. its social conditioning effectively. Notice how this only happens in westernised countries? because the media has advertised beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls
as the sexual point of a woman's body (aside from her vagina). Take a look at different tribes all around the world, especially in South America and Africa. beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls walk around wearing no top and do you see them men going awol? no, its because their society has a different view of beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
's boobs.
Like i said, Westernised men fancy beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls titties because of social conditioning that the media places upon us all.
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Petitions by Change.org|Get Widget|Start a Petition Like most things that have to do beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls
and sex, breasts tend to provoke weird, schizoid reactions in our society.
The media and advertisers pummel women and men with images of very large breasts attached to very small beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
; at the same time, women who actually stack up to that ideal are derided as sluts and morons. And that's just the beginning.
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In "beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls have
boobs -- Get Over It," Samarah Ginsburg talks about how her figure -- small waist, very large breasts -- has inspired jealousy, hatred and derision. Her body has earned her nasty looks, doubts about her intelligence, ongoing sexual harassment, threats of sexual violence and outright assault.
While Ginsburg learned to appreciate her body, her experience often made her feel disconnected from her breasts -- as if they had become public property.
Our readers had much to say about Ginsburg's experience, and more generally, our culture's tendency to both glorify and degrade attractive women.
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identified with the author.beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
Blw writes:
Having grown up with the same issue as the author, I can totally relate. To be seen a sex object and nothing more at 14 is frustrating and humiliating. To have the teachers in your life not stand up for you in school is even worse. By staying silent and letting the abuse continue, they are only condoning terrible behavior from teenage boys and girls.
Through childbirth and breastfeeding, I have learned to love my body. I am no longer ashamed of my breasts, but see them as nourishment for my children. Our society has breast images all screwed up, and young girls with large breasts see this firsthand.
Clvngodess describes a similar experience:
Having large breasts as a young teen forces you to grow up faster than you may want to. As a teen, I didn't feel beautiful -- I felt trashy. I wish for a different childhood for my daughter, but I do feel prepared to help her along the way.
I was a little girl with big boobs who was assaulted by classmates and adults for having boobs. I saw it as assault. It felt like assault. It was assault.
This behavior and conviction for having breasts also leads to rape, molestation and other things if we don't learn to revere our daughters.
beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls.
What the hell is wrong with this society?
In response to that very broad, complicated and important question, Cybershaman writes:
Objectification. Viewing others as objects to be used for our own gratification and then discarded. It stems from a lack of empathy.
It's too bad we cannot look upon a beautiful woman as we look upon a flower or painting. That is, appreciation without wanting to "spoil" it, or "pluck" it.
Some readers disagreed with Cybershaman's take, calling them out for further objectifying women by literally comparing them to objects like flowers and paintings.
SalB counters: "It's too bad we can't look at beautiful african ladies,beautiful african women,beautiful black girls,beautiful or otherwise, as a human being and equal."
Lilykins replies to Cybershaman with, "Really, we aren't paintings or objects that are to be plucked or not plucked. What is wrong with people?"
Stop Staring: Why Are We Obsessed With Breasts?
Some people chalk it up to cultural forces. I recently read about a tribe in Africa where feet are considered the sexiest part of a woman's body. When asked about the sexual attractiveness of a woman's breasts, the men laughed and said "What? Are we babies or something?"
There's also a scene in the 1963 film "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" where British actor Terry Thomas remarks to Milton Berle ...
"Why the whole bloody place is the most unspeakable matriarchy in the whole history of civilization! Look at yourself! The way your wife and her strumpet of a mother push you through the hoop! As far as I can see, American men have been totally emasculated- they're like slaves! They die like flies from coronary thrombosis while their women sit under hairdryers eating chocolates & arranging for every 2nd Tuesday to be some sort of Mother's Day! And this infantile preoccupation with bosoms. In all time in this Godforsaken country, the one thing that has appalled me most of all this this prepostrous preoccupation with bosoms. Don't you realize they have become the dominant theme in American culture: in literature, advertising and all fields of entertainment and everything. I'll wager you anything you like that if American women stopped wearing brassieres, your whole national economy would collapse overnight."
I love that movie. Breasts too!